A life of searching turned into a life of amazed joy when I stopped looking for the "WHY". To be enabled to share because of gratitude toward the "WHO" has changed my life. Tho I still mess up (alot), I am learning that only "WHEN" my purpose in life is complete will I be perfect. Until that day, while having life and breath I strive to bring peace and model the contentment I have found, no matter the situation, (the "WHERE"). This is sometimes a difficult thing, and I mess up...Oh you see the pattern? Good, just as intented. Pressing 'TOWARD THE MARK' is the "WHAT". To clarify my focus to ONE THING has made all the difference.
It is the guidepost to enable me to stay on the right path; it is the ruler to ensure my decisions align with my principles; and it is the beacon that enlightens the way and it is the ONE THING I wish to see in all people and have them see in me.
The "HOW"? Humbly, with reverence and gratitude...I think that makes the complete circle....and I begin again with gratitude or forgiveness.